In the event that you disagree with these conditions, please refrain from using the website
Information or any images displayed on the website, which is adminstered by Bratislava Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”), are subject to the Terms of Use specified hereafter (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”). The Terms apply to all persons that access the website and use it (hereinafter referred to as the “User”).
Publication of any data, information or images on the website, except for these Terms, is not in its nature a legal act that would establish a legal relationship between the Administrator and the User, unless otherwise stated or agreed upon in individual cases.
In conformity with the Act No 618/2003 (Coll.) on Copyright and Related Rights (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Act”), the Administrator is an entity authorised to exercise the property rights as regards this website, primarily granting consent to its use.
The Terms shall not apply to information, documents and other data published on the website, or to acts performed by means of the website, which are binding to both contractual parties based on an agreement that the Administrator and the Administrator’s client conclude during the performance of activities pursuant to a separate legislation, primarily pursuant to legal regulations that govern the Administrator’s activity.
Provisions for rights and obligations of the Administrator and the User:
1. By using the website, the User confirms that he has familiarised himself with the Terms, agrees with them and undertakes to abide by them.
2. The Administrator grants the User the right to use the website solely for the User’s own use. Any other use of the website (as either a whole or its individual parts) is subject to prior consent of the Administrator in compliance with the Copyright Act. In compliance with the Act on Trademarks No 506/2009 (Coll.), subject to a special protection are the “BCPB” trademark and the name “Burza cenných papierov v Bratislave” combined with the BCPB logo.
3. Access to the website and its use are free of any charge.
4. The Administrator reserves the right to decline or restrict access to the website to anybody without stating a reason.
5. In most cases, it is possible to use and view the website without providing personal information pursuant to the Act on Protection of Personal Information No 428/2002 (Coll.). Nevertheless, the Administrator may make access to certain sections of the website and their use, or use of certain services that can be used by means of this website, conditional on the provision of the User’s personal data. By providing any personal data or other information by means of the website, the User agrees with its use for the purposes of informing about the Administrator’s products and services and for the purposes of protection of the Administrator’s rights and eligible interests.
6. Provision by the User of any information by means of this website to the Administrator is at the same time deemed as the User’s consent that the Administrator may use such information for the purpose of performance of the Administrator’s activity pursuant to a separate legislation, primarily the legal regulations governing the Administrator’s activity.
7. The Administrator is not under any obligation to keep secret any information provided by the User, except where such obligation results to the Administrator from the Agreement with the User or where such obligation results from the generally binding legal regulations.
8. The user must not transfer to the website, or by means of it, any information that violates the legal regulations in effect in the Slovak Republic, or contradicts good manners.
9. The User must not in any way interfere, without the Administrator’s consent, with the technical substance and content of the website
10. The Administrator’s aim is to minimize technical errors; some information or data on this website may have been created in faulty files or formats, hence it cannot be guaranteed that the website, or services provided by means of this website, are not going to be damaged or in other way affected by said problems.
11. The Administrator endeavours to provide always correct and up-to-date data and information by means of the website Nevertheless, the data and information published on this website may not necessarily be complete, comprehensive, correct or up-to-date; they are of informative – not binding – character, unless otherwise stated or agreed upon in a specific case or unless their binding character results from the generally binding legal regulations. Under no circumstances can the data, information and images displayed on the website be deemed as a legal or investment advice, or as representing an offer or recommendation for a purchase/sale of securities or financial instruments other than securities.
12. Although the information sources used by the Administrator are generally deemed as reliable, the Administrator cannot be held responsible for the correctness and up-to-datedness of the information the Administrator’s website takes from other sources.
13. Information on this website may be linked to external websites, which are beyond the Administrators’ control, and for which the Administrator cannot be held responsible; the Administrator does not examine, verify or monitor the content of such websites. Similarly, the Administrator cannot be held responsible for the content of websites that are linked to the website, or for obligations of entities running such websites, or for services they provide, offer or broker by means of such websites. The Administrator does not examine, verify or monitor the content of such websites.
14. Information and any images displayed on the website are provided as they are published. The Administrator does not provide a guarantee as regards accuracy, adequacy or completeness of said information and displayed images; the Administrator explicitly disclaims responsibility for possible errors in content or incompleteness of the information and materials. No guarantee is provided as regards this information and displayed images, including (but not limited to) a guarantee of non-infringement of third parties’ rights and the right of ownership, their exercise for a commercial purpose or their appropriateness for other concrete purpose, or a guarantee of invulnerability against a computer virus.
15. In a maximum extent allowed by the relevant law, the Administrator can be under no circumstances held responsible for any damages including (but not limited to) direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenditures incurred in connection with this website or its use, or an inability to use the website by any person, or in connection with the website’s malfunction, error, outage, interruption, delay in operation or during transfer, attack by a computer virus or other failure.
The Terms are amended, issued and changed by the Administrator. The content of the website is continuously updated and modified, and the Administrator reserves the right to change or remove any part of the content of the website at any point in time and without a prior notice.
The Terms are valid and effective as from the date of publication. The Terms were published on 15 April 2011.