Provision of Information

The investing public can access a multitude of information free of charge directly at the BSSE’s website . In the course of the stock exchange day, the Stock Exchange’s website publishes on-line information on trading with a 15-minute delay. Every day after the close of trading, the final results of trading are available (i.e. the official price list). The website also allows looking up trading details on a selected security, the values of the SAX Index, information on members and issuers, statistics and many other types of stock exchange information and publications.

For Professional and Non-professional customers there is also available to provide these main services:

- Real-time Data

Real-time Data are trading data available with a time lag of less than 15 minutes of its creation and includes 3 best offer and 3 best bids. Format of transmission of real-time data is available here:

Specification of Real-Time Data (.pdf) – valid from 1 January 2023

Specification of Real-Time Data (.pdf) – valid from 1 April 2025

- End-of-day Data

End-of-day Data are trading data generated by BSSE once a day after the end of trading. End-of-day Data are provided in electronic format via e-mail, including End-of-day values of the SAX Index. Format of End-of-day Data:

 Specification of data after the close of trading – details (.pdf)

- Service on issuers

This service contains the provision of daily announcements and issuers’ economic results (economic results only about issuers on listed main market and listed parallel market). The daily announcements are provided in an electronic forma via e-mail after the end of trading and they contain various types of information e.g. admission/suspending/termination of trading with a securities, changes in the issues or issuer, announcements of general shareholder meetings of the issuer on listed main market and listed parallel market , information about (mandatary) takeover bid, information on entry into liquidation or bankruptcy, information on changes in the names of issuers, etc.

- Daily weights and values of SAX Index

This service includes provision of daily end-of-day weights and values of SAX Index, which are provided in an electronic form via e-mail.

In case of interest in subscription of some BSSE services, customers have to enter into Market Data Agreement and pay the corresponding fees according to the valid Price List.

Market Data Agreement (.pdf)

Price List for the Provision of Information (.pdf) – valid from 1 July 2024

In case on one-time request for information, please see Terms of provision and use of information by end-user provided on the basis of an order (.pdf)

For more information regarding market data, please contact:

Bratislava Stock Exchange

Secretariat and External Communication

Tel.: +421-2-4923 6198


(The BSSE will respond to e-mail messages within 3 working days after reception.)

Market Data & Reasonable Commercial Basis Public Information according (EU) 2017/567 Article 11 (.pdf)

